Mendes da Rocha Residence


Something I started ages ago and need a new incentive to finish off. This is the Mendes da Rocha Residence in São Paulo, Brazil by Paulo Mendes da Rocha, 2006 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate.


The concrete material is temporary, and I have more internal walls to add, then the furniture. The Paulistano (by Mendes da Rocha) is the main reason I decided to model this house, I really needed a more suitable location for it than this room:

Paulistano 2

When its done, I intend to share the sketchup model on the pushpullbar forums, there will be an update here as well of course.

Website Update!

Welcome to my new blog, a replacement for the old personal section of Many thanks as always to my friend Johnnie Walker of Random Sequence for his excellent work in integrating a wordpress blog seamlessly and beautifully into my website. I plan to write tutorials on all aspects of my work that will hopefuly be useful to 3d visualisers, architects, designers and anyone else with an interest in architectural visualisation. My main area of expertise is 3dstudio/vray but hopefully the techniques will also be applicable to some extent in other packages. There will also be posts on new personal projects and other random things I am interested in.

Feel free to make requests by email or in the comments if there's anything you'd like to see covered.