
Been playing around with different skies and the PhoenixFD ocean texture... addictive!

Steps to recreate:

- install PhoenixFD demo version
- follow this tutorial from chaosgroupTV
- try it using some high quality HDRi skies instead of a vraysun

Skies used above from left to right: 0707, 0743, 0822, 0839, 0902, 1120


Reminder - 3DOcean

Another, and possibly final, reminder that I will be removing my HDRi skies from 3DOcean at the end of August 2014.

IF you bought skies there prior to September 2012, please take note of this post.


Goodbye 3DOcean

After many years selling my products on 3DOcean, it's time to say goodbye and concentrate on improving my products and preparing new ones for my own online shop.

This post is mainly for all the people who have bought my products over the years and may have missed the fact that all of the skies received a much needed update in September 2012. If so, you should log in to your 3DOcean account and download your purchased products again!

Once the skies are gone from 3DOcean, there will be no way for you to get the update. I will leave the skies online until the end of August.


HDR Skies - Series One Favourites

Not sure which skies to buy? Obviously I would suggest that you buy all of them, but I decided to put together a list if you are looking for a good selection which happen to be my most used and favourites from series one.

0743 - Dramatic, a great mix of low sun and moody clouds, as used on Quest.
0839 - Lovely warm light - see my interiors on the Haus Hafner project.
0902 - Overcast sky, very flexible. I used it on Glenstone and even the Tind Dusk shots.
1008 - VERY overcast! As seen on Allandale and Twins.
1123 - High sun angle, useful in a lot of scenarios. One example: Plain Space.
1433 - Nice sunny day with some white clouds.
1739 - Similar to 1725, but I prefer this one. I used it for the Kilburn Vale project.
1847 - A nice soft dusk sky, used on some of the Ziphouse renders.
1928 - A great general dusk sky. Examples here and here.
1941 - My favourite dusk sky, used most recently on the Ando project.

Online Shop now online!

Finally, after a LOT of work and about 6 months later than planned, I'm happy to announce that my online shop is now open for business. Next project: finish the 2nd series of skies...

Free HDRi Sky* - 3DArtist Mag

Completely forgot about this until I got sent a copy of the magazine, but 3DArtist Magazine has one of my skies on the cover disc courtesy of

It doesn't mention my name anywhere but it is indeed one of mine so maybe a good chance to try a HDRi sky out if you haven't done so already.

The sky on the disc is '1928 Dusk Sun'

*when you buy the magazine for 6 quid

45 Skies - 3docean update!

UPDATE: My HDR Sky shop is now open, please buy my products there instead, thanks!

Before I start making new skies, I decided to go back and work a bit more on all the old ones. If you bought any of them, you can now log in to and download the updated versions.

Changes include:

  • The original horizon has been removed from the HDR files, and the photos used to make the HDRi re-processed for a smoother, noise free image.
  • Radiance (.hdr) and OpenEXR (.exr) file sizes have been optimized to improve loading times.
  • 16 bit RAW versions of the backplate photos now included to allow greater freedom in post processing.


EDIT: labelled version as requested.

EDIT 2: Any new skies won't be happening anytime soon I'm afraid, I'll probably wait till I have 9 ready so that I can offer them as a pack for a reduced price straight away.

EDIT 3: Lots of people asking how to get the updated skies. Just log into 3docean as normal, click on the downloads tab and you will see all the products you have bought from 3docean, then just download the ones you want. All my skies on 3docean have been updated so you will get the new version when you download.

Lighting test by Saiful Said

Saiful Said sent me a nice selection of images, one of which features my 1934 sky. Love the warmth of the direct sun contrasted with the cool skylight. You can read more about it and see the rest of the images on Ronen's blog.

minimalist test - dusk

minimalist test - dusk

Lake Lugano House by James Pickford

I loved these images by James Pickford even before I learned he had used my skies to light them. The dusk ones are absolutely spot on in terms of lighting and colour balance. James works for the excellent Uniform in Liverpool and did these as a personal project. They are based on the Lake Lugano House by JM Architecture in Italy. You could easily sneak the dusk images in amongst the photographs on the architect's website and no-one would notice.

He used 1957 for the dusk images and 1008 for the overcast one.







bullfinch visuals



Really interesting to see some non arch viz work being made with the help of my HDR skies! These beautiful renders were sent to me by Andreas Fougner who works in the video game industry and is based in Stockholm, Sweden.





The sky he used was '1342 Cloudy' and you can find the complete set of images on his blog: bullfinch visuals.